Balinder's Blog

Monday, December 04, 2006


Laura Mulveys theory argues that women are portrayed in films for men's pleasures. In other words for the "male gaze". I think that this theory does apply to my independent study as there are young women in my text, that are seen as acting sexually provocative. However, they are not represented for the male gaze as they are not portayed as dressing sexually and being specifically appealing towards men.

The women in my text however, can convey the typical stereotypes of young women today, as they are represented as being involved with all the contemporary issues today such as drugs, sex and alcohol. My text also conforms to the steretypical issues of women due to the portrayal of women wanting to look good for men. However, they are also presented as pleasing males voyueristic males.

Sigmund Freud- Laura Mulvey adapted her study from him
Castration anxiety - The fear of losing one's penis